We warned you, but its not too late!!! Rates are climbing! Posted on Bloomberg.com....
I can't pound on the table any louder!! If you need Property Tax help in the State of Texas, now is the time. Penalties go into effect on Tuesday, Feb. 1 and soon the price of that help will be going up across the board. The same applies to anything with a cost of capital (money) attached to it. It will become more expensive to borrow money. Pundits have said the bond markets are poised to get crushed, not just trend down but get crushed. When that happens rates will go up, something has to make the money itself attractive to invest or "loan".
It's not too late. Rates are still historically very cheap, however that doesn't mean that this isn't the best time to get it done. Quite the opposite, facing penalties for late payment and increased borrowing costs spread over YEARS (as with any loan)....NOW IS THE TIME! Tax Loans USA will always be here to aid you when the tax people are breathing down your neck. We are professionals, and pride ourselves on our service to our customers. That isn't going to change either. The only thing that will eventually change is how much is that loan going to cost.
The answer is: More in the future, Get it done.
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