Friday, January 28, 2011

The Pain Starts on Tuesday!

Ahhhh, Feb. 1, a date which lives in tax infamy. That is the date that the first round of penalties begins for delinquent property taxes. We post the penalties often but a refresher course never hurts.

On the first of each month:
Total Added for the Month
12% + 20%*
Each month thereafter

Additional 1% each month

By July, you are paying OVER 1/3 additional just in penalties....and the beat goes on until the County decides to take house or you find a way to pay your taxes and make the bleeding stop. I'm sure the question pops up often,"If I can't pay my taxes now, how am I going to pay them AND PENALTIES later?"

We are the answer in Texas! We loan you the money due this year and allow you to pay it back over a period of several years. You are able to spread the payment out over time making it far more manageable than a giant lump sum due all at one time. We approve 90% of those that apply, and there is no cash required at close. It makes so much more sense than letting the penalties build until it reaches a level where there is no recovery. About the time that happens, the county comes and takes your house.

Don't kid yourself, the penalties are very real and very severe. Fear not, the solution is also very real, incredibly simple, and very economical 800-719-4096 and let Tax Loans USA help.   

Thursday, January 27, 2011

We warned you, but its not too late!!!

We warned you, but its not too late!!! Rates are climbing! Posted on

I can't pound on the table any louder!! If you need Property Tax help in the State of Texas, now is the time. Penalties go into effect on Tuesday, Feb. 1 and soon the price of that help will be going up across the board. The same applies to anything with a cost of capital (money) attached to it. It will become more expensive to borrow money. Pundits have said the bond markets are poised to get crushed, not just trend down but get crushed. When that happens rates will go up, something has to make the money itself attractive to invest or "loan".

It's not too late. Rates are still historically very cheap, however that doesn't mean that this isn't the best time to get it done. Quite the opposite, facing penalties for late payment and increased borrowing costs spread over YEARS (as with any loan)....NOW IS THE TIME! Tax Loans USA will always be here to aid you when the tax people are breathing down your neck. We are professionals, and pride ourselves on our service to our customers. That isn't going to change either. The only thing that will eventually change is how much is that loan going to cost.

The answer is: More in the future, Get it done.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Two Reasons For A Tax Loan Now....

    Are you sitting there staring at your property tax bill? Are you quite sure that it will be taken care of in "just a couple of months"? I have been in that situation and luckily I was able to take care of it in just a few more months but looking back, I made a poor choice. I paid more than I should have by trying to do it myself for two reasons....

    First, I got absolutely crushed by late fees and penalties. By the time I got my property taxes paid off, I had spent an additional 25% in fees. I felt it was my problem and I would solve it without anybody's help. That arrogance cost me, and in the end I still needed the help of others. I would have been much better off swallowing my pride and getting them done RIGHT AWAY.

    The second thing that can add to costs is rising interest rates. They are going to go up. There is no question about it. There is too much money in the system and foreign nations are artificially keeping their currencies down to be able to maintain their exports (China being the chief offender). With all that money floating around, rates will have to go up to contain them and stop global inflation. If it doesn't happen, food and other commodities will become so expensive many developing will not be able to afford simple staples like rice and social unrest will topple governments. It seems overly complex when talking about Tax Loans, but world events really do play a part in every aspect of daily life however far removed they may seem.

    That being said, again, rates will rise. Consider adding another 3 or 4% to the fees that are already being imposed. Time is not your ally. The longer you wait, the more likely you will be paying another 30% to the already formidable tax bill. It seems overwhelming, but there is a solution....

    Get a property tax loan. You choose the terms, and spread the bill over years. There is no prepayment penalty. If you can pay it off in 5 months, do it. Why pay an additional 15% in penalties to the county when you don't have to? 90% of those that apply are approved, even if there are dings on credit. Best of all, there is no cash due at close.

     When times are this tough, take advantage of all your options. We can and will help. Give us a call at 800-719-4096 and let one of our professionals help you navigate through the rough waters. We can get you closed in a matter of days and you can spend less of your time worrying and more of your time focused on the good things ahead.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Is getting your finances in order a New Years Resolution?

If you vowed that you were tired of feeling like you were always behind the eight ball financially and decided that you wanted to do something about it, we have great news!! We can and will help, just ask us. Property Taxes in the State of Texas are a huge expense, especially all at one time. We will spread your payments out over several terms (your choice, same rate) to give you the cash flow leverage to tackle other issues.

Attacking debt starts with eliminating the highest rates on debt first with one caveat...if you don't pay your taxes you lose your house. Start there with us. Problem solved. Use funds left over to create cash flows attack those credit cards next. Our rates are 20%, yes I said twenty percent lower than some credit card rates. You are saving yourself that much in interest by attacking the credit card and spreading out your tax payments per month. Multiply that times twelve and that is how big of a leg up you are giving yourself every year. Once one card gets paid off, apply the same amount to any other debt outstanding. Its no extra cash flow than you have already put out, but now the second debt gets its payment plus the payment you would have applied to the first card. That adds up very quickly and you will begin to see the light. You can also use the same strategy to pay off your tax loan as we DO NOT have prepayment penalties, and you need no cash to close.

Let us help you. Give us a call today at 800-719-4096 and let our professional staff to team up with you and actually make a New Years resolution come true!