We aren't getting paid for this, we try and educate because it is the right thing to do regardless of whether or not you do business with us. The well being of the whole insures the well being of the individual, not the other way around as has been demonstrated so many times by Investment Banks and the bankers inside them. The best compliment I can receive is to know that we helped somebody avoid serious property tax problems before they got started. We are here to help, not take advantage of people.
We will take care of all your property tax issues from back taxes to helping to clear lawsuits placed against your property. Our rates are competitive and you choose the term that is right for you with no up front cost to you, nor prepayment penalties. We have a 90% approval rate, so don't let credit scores or blemishes get in your way. We don't factor that in. Instead we offer that hand up, to help you get back on your feet.
We also believe that a great way to help somebody is to educate, and that is what we try and do here. Read on friends, it doesn't cost anything and hopefully we can provide you with some information that will help you before things get out of hand, and if they do....rest assured we will stand with you in the fight to get things back to right!
Look in the archives to December 9, 2010. You will see that one week ago we posted a blog about rising rates. Here is a headline from Bloomberg.com dated 12/9/2010.... today:
Mortgage Rates for U.S. Loans Jump to Five-Month High
By Dec 9, 2010 10:21 AM CT
However, in such a case, since you are the recipient of rent because you have let out your own house, that income is taxable at your hands. But for click here for Tax Debt Help just approach us.