Friday, April 15, 2011

My 12 Cents....

 As our less than intrepid leaders continue to fight in Washington about the course of this country and its financial future a few thoughts occurred to me. Normally I try and use this blog as an educational tool to help consumers understand how policy and economics can effect their everyday lives and taxes. Instead, I felt it was more important to include a few thoughts about the people in this country and encourage folks to shoulder the responsibility that the politicos can't seem to figure out.

 We as society have a debt to the previous generation that should never go unheeded. While the politicians argue the fate of Social Security (this generation will never see it), understand that the previous generation fought and sacrificed for REAL Social Security. That is the social security we enjoy now without the goose stepping and the Gestapo. They endured years of hardship and rationing, tirelessly giving on Bond drives, to insure that this country and the WORLD remained free. That can of bacon grease on the stove your grandmother or great grandmother used to keep wasn't for flavoring, it was used  for Nitro to make explosives during World War II and that habit stuck.

 As that generation fades into the twilight and their sons and daughters come into their "Golden Years", I hope we as a nation shoulder the responsibility to insure that whatever aid and assistance the elderly need. They have given til it hurt, and now it is time to insure that if Washington falls down on the job we are there to assist. Personally I decided to partition 4% of my income and give to the generations that came before me. Be that in time, chores, meals , or donation I am prepared to give up 4 pennies on the dollar. Big sacrifice, right.....

 We have a responsibility to invest in our future as well. That future is in all our kids whether we birthed them or not. I have some friends whose children attend a charter school in Denver. The education is superb and the cost of admission is 40 hours per YEAR by each family. Less than one hour a week being a crossing guard, working in the classroom or lunchroom, coaching, whatever. Assuming that you are awake 12 hours a day, there are 4368 hours in a year. Do the math and you'll find 40 hours is less than .1% per year. The other 3.9% of the future generation investment will come in the form of time spent playing, teaching and listening to my kids, their friends and kids in the community. By being a part of the new generation, you are insuring a foundation and building blocks for our kids that can't be duplicated by any government agency. You create the tap root that keeps the tree of life strong in your community. You give your kids the character that will guide the future of this country. You are demonstrating involvment, charity and sportsmanship. By being there, you are investing.  In return, you will get 1000 hugs, smiles, and memories that will stay with you forever. All that for 4 more pennies per dollar. I'm now up to eight cents.

 The last 4 pennies is optional. I'll give another 4 cents to my church. I know that they will provide meals and fellowship to those in need, they did for my during more trying times. They donate to communities around the world, beyond the reach of my individual community. Many of this nation are not religious and don't attend church, and they have that right because they live here (Reference my first 4 cents). If that is the case consider giving that 4 cents back to the people that insured you got it in the first place. Split it between old and young. Another thought is to donate blood to the Red Cross. The investment you make here could save your own life.

That's my 12 cents anyway.....

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